Thursday, August 04, 2005

General Stuff...

Today I don’t feel like ranting much…  I am too tired, so today is just a general update on what’s going on in my part of the world.

Firstly, I did mention last week that my boss was to be promoted and that there was going to be changes.  Well the first part happened, it was announced last night that he was being promoted and that he now has a company wide mandate to make change… I wont get into details of work here, but it is a very good thing for my department, but as he said last night when asked what does it all mean, he simply answered “more work”.  I guess I wait to here what the changes will mean for me personally, but I already know the answer – more work.  He already told me last week that change was coming and that it would mean me taking on a lot of his former responsibilities… its just that I cant see anyone below me to take on some of my old responsibilities!

Other than work, the fumbbl Southern Wastes League has been won and run… we are now taking a short break and then will start Season 11 in mid-August.  We will have nearly 50 coaches next season, and it should be a smooth transition.  For you guys in the SWL that read this, the new season draft will probably take place tonight.

Been a while since I updated on the Guinea Pigs and the Ants… The Piggies are going well.  They are less skittish and seem to have settled into life in our backyard.  I personally don’t see them during the week, but they are doing ok.

The Ants had a bit of an accident last week… Kate took them to school for show and tell and they got dropped onto the asphalt.  The perspex case didn’t break but did crack a little and all the ants excavations stayed intact.  The only problem was that it seemed to have stopped work.  For 3-4 days, they basically sat around on the surface and did very little.  Last night however, I saw that they were once again extending their tunnels and they seem to be over whatever shock that they felt by being dropped.  Funny how they seem to have “morale” and that if they are upset or shocked (as you would be in a Perspex cabinet being dropped from a height 1000 times your own) they down tools.

I finished War of the Worlds online last night… wasn’t too bad reading a book on a laptop.  I may see what else is about online.

That’s about it.  Sorry about the banal post, but hey life sometimes aint all that exciting ;-)



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