Saturday, December 10, 2005

Penrith On The Coast

This article is so wrong... front page of the Saturday Herald... "promoting" the fact that "Aussies" (i.e inferring that non-Anglo Saxons are not Aussies) need to take back "their" beach.

The fact that they write this in a condescending manner, with all the "tsk tsking" they can muster, quote a few local lebanese decendants and then call the whole thing "boys being boys" is absurd.

Where was the visit to Lakemba to interview the someone on the other side?

No wonder "The Shire" is called "Penrith On The Coast"... Grow up Hobbits, its called Australia and EVERYONE has a right to the beach...

PS - do you think this would get as much air time if it was Irish Catholics on the beach??


Chunky said...

I don't think its got anything to do with race on this occasion Clay, and you're just as guilty as the media is of making it into something its not. Surfies have always made efforts to get rid of non-locals, regardless of what those people look like.

Clay said...

Not racist?

Check out this picture Chunky!


Chunky said...

Would they be doing something similar if it was another identifiable subculture that had "invaded" their beach though. For something to be truly racist IMO, it must be motivated solely by the racial difference, and in this instance I don't think thats the case. If it was the gamer nerds who'd belted a lifeguard they'd probably have something there and no dice.

I'm not saying its right or anything, just saying we always assume its race, when the surfies have proven over the years to be quite willing to be equal opportunity with regards to violence against non-locals. The fact that this time it happens to a subgroup definable by race doesn't make it a racist thing when you take into account their history - just straight thuggery.

Chunky said...

Actually I think this expresses what I'm talking about:

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can adequately be
explained by stupidity.