Thursday, June 29, 2006

Capital Punishment

Death Penalty.  Should it be in place?  The reason I ask this is again because of yet another shocking murder of an 8yr old girl in a shopping centre in Perth.  Raped and then murdered in a disable toilet in a shopping centre and the victim being 8yrs old.  As a father of two girls (aged 7 and 5) it just makes me absolutely shiver when I think about it.  And for those that know me, the location being a shopping centre makes it doubly close to home.

It has been revealed that the man that they have charged was charged on sexual assault in a toilet block on an 8yr girl back in 2000.  In my view, how can anyone get to court on a charge like that without some semblance of guilt.  Forget innocent until proven guilty, if you’re on child sex assault charges and sitting in the dock, you must have done something to get there.  Its not like the police nab random men off the street and charge them randomly.  If you’re being investigated, then there is probably a reason that you’re a “person of interest” to the police in the first place.

So in 2000 this creep gets let off and 6yrs later he is busted with the proverbial blood on his hands.  What has happened in the intervening 6yrs?  Surely he has committed other offences… people like this are sick and as such don’t wake up one morning and decide to kill someone.  It’d be a build up, it would be a series of offences starting off small and then getting bigger until the events in Perth earlier this week.

Now the question is how to deter it from happening again?  Well I don’t care about people like him being “deterred” I think the risk of re-offence should be eliminated – permanently.  John Howard – at least put it to the people for a referendum.  Do something gutsy for a change.


Anonymous said...

Well I don't think institutions or lawful societies should have the death penalty as it makes no sense. "Killing is wrong, so if you kill, we're going to kill you."... Either it's wrong, or it's not wrong. (of course its wrong) But to sink to that level as a lawful society is to descend into barbarism. Furthermore, there is little evidence to suggest that the death penalty is a deterrant to these types of people. Quite the contrary according to many studies. The sickos act out like this as some part of suicidal urge.

On the other hand, I'm also a father of a little girl, and this guy deserves to die. But don't let the institution be the one to do it. I don't know if Aussie prisons are similar to American ones, but in the States, a prisoner who is in for child molestation or child rape (never mind murder too) is as good as dead. He wouldn't last a week in an American prison, the other criminals find this sort of crime just as repugnant as ordinary folk do, and they take action on it... and the death they inflict is not going to be the "humane" one of lethal injection, gas chamber, etc..

It does disturb me is that a guy like this was released after already being arrested for something similar. Pedophiles have no place in any society, they should lock these people up and throw away the key.

Anonymous said...

The ending of a life by the Judiciary is not at all the same sort of thing as killing. The death penalty is not a deterrent, i agree. It is however a solution. My feelings on it is that it is a penalty that should be available for the judiciary to enact, if the beleif of the judiciary is that the said individual is not capable of being returned to society as a productive contributing member. That the chance of their being rehabilitated and not being recidivist is nil. Peadopbhiles, Rapists and Wanton killers? They are not capable of being prevented from committing future offences, they do not reform. They should be eliminated as a threat to society, quickly and efficently. Justice must also be dispassionate and cold, so yes it should be something clean and quick like lethal injection or guillotining ( very efficent method that ). Being "shivved" by a fellow inmate is not an acceptable answer.

The main difficulty is finding someone who is willing to take te job of executioner. Id like to think id be capable of performing the role but until te day came where it was me standing in frot of the lever, or switch or button.................I honestly dont know if I could go ahead with it. The executioner, the person who does the act should i feel have the final say on the matter as well, I think they should be able to cpompletely review the whole case and atisfy themselves that the individual committed the crime and the pounishmentis merited.