Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Morning Has Gone To Pot

A belated post this morning… my train this morning was initially cancelled and then a 4 car (instead of 8) set turned up unannounced that I managed to get the last seat on in the rear carriage.

Train was crawling, not really following a timetable and I spent the trip trying to do the work that needed to be done first thing and then dealing with disgruntled passengers (namely a woman in her late 40’s asking if she can have my seat.  No lady, I am not shutting down my laptop and standing for 1hr so you can do your make up!)

Had a guy sitting on the floor at my feet too, who was probably a bit soft mentally who kept playing with my umbrella which was also lying on the floor.

Got to the office 15mins late for a meeting with the US office via Video Conference, so it meant trying to inconspicuously sneak into a meeting but having to cross across the camera to get a seat.

So, my rant this morning on Israel will have to wait… I am now (again!) flat chat.

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