Wednesday, August 09, 2006

No Religion Doesn't Mean You're Evil

Well we did the census… and I have to admit I didn’t put in “Jedi” for religion.  Given I wasn’t christened and neither are my children, I thought it appropriate that I state what was the truth – we’re not god fearing Christians in the sense of going to Church on the weekends and I ticked “No Religion”.  Niki was a bit funny about how she was the only one in the family that had a defined religion, but I think it reinforces my own views that just because your parents as a baby didn’t spend a Sunday morning in Church getting your head wet doesn’t mean you’re a “bad person”.  My girls are taught manners, respect for adults and the laws of society and convention.  If they want to embrace an organised church when they’re old enough to understand and make that choice, well that’s their prerogative.  Better to attend church and be involved in that part of life than into drugs or worse.

So, I guess the census makes you realise that there is a thing such as “No Religion” but it should also be reinforced that you’re not some pagan, goat sacrificing psychopath.  However, when looking at the code of the Jedi yesterday, it makes sense in its simplicity and actually makes a good case for the way we “should” be living.  In particular the clause “Respect Life In All Its Forms”.

If God fearing George Bush took that statement to heart, perhaps we’d be a better world for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just filled in my census forms tonight (been too busy this week). Let the records show that since the last census, my religion also is no longer Jedi.

The last Star Wars movie turned me to the dark side. I am now a Sith.