Thursday, November 09, 2006

America Realises They Were Wrong

George Bush has been swamped.  At least the message appears to be getting through to the average American that this President, even more so than his father, has lead America and the majority of the western world including Australia on a wild goose chase through the Middle East.  Thousands upon thousands of lives either snuffed out or changed forever in the US, Iraq, Afghanistan and Great Britain.  Australia too has had a number of deaths attributable to the various wars in the middle east but those four countries have been changed forever.  Yes, Saddam Hussein will be hung but was it worth it and is it still worth it?  World oil prices up, risk of terrorism up, peripheral countries like Iran and North Korea more anxious and the world is generally worse than it was when compared to September 10 2001.

Two more years to come now though and I heard on the news this morning that Dennis Rumsfeld has resigned that man should be with Saddam in the dock and his mate GwB should be with him.

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