Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Google Analytics

For about 8 weeks I have been running Google Analytics – a tool that tracks who, when, where visitors to Lime Kettles come from and how they got here.

My hitcounter below has been running for some time and my readership has been growing but I wanted to get more stats than just “how many”.

Basically I can summarise the following:

  • I receive between 10-80 hits a day.  80 being common on Monday / Tuesday and 10 occurring on Sunday’s.  This makes sense.
  • 75% of visitors are “returnees” and I get approximately 25% of hits are from new visitors.
  • 69% of my traffic is direct – ie someone has book marked me or types the URL in directly. 10.6% come from Google and the rest are referrals from blogger, bloglines and the like…
  • Google.  This is where I am amazed.  Google Analytics tells me what people typed into the search box to get here.  “limekettles” is the most popular, but there are some weird ones like:
    • tracy grimshaw plastic surgery” (3 times?!?!)
    • “botox Penrith”
    • “burying a cat”
    • “snorting snot in the office” – mmmm interesting that one
    • “ballet exam what hairstyles”
  • There are actually 91 different google search texts entered.  Some make sense, a lot refer to Blood Bowl, others are downright weird.
  • I have people visiting from odd countries.  Australian’s make up 80% of traffic and the USA 10% throw in some UK and Kiwis, then we get down to odd bod countries.  Hello to people from Oman, Kuwait, Israel, Colombia, Saudi Arabia and UAE.  Also a fair number of Indians too… better start talking up the cricket and Bollywood.  The number of Arab nations is disconcerting…

Interesting stuff… I’ll post some more odd tid bit’s as they come up.

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