Monday, November 20, 2006

Slashdot: Draconian Anti-Piracy Law Looms Over Australia

This article from Slashdot today shows how stupid we Australians are about the Intehwebs. Like seriously, why is this being rushed through Parliament? Why are we so paranoid about Internet and copyright?

Again, utterly ridiculous… surely there are more things to waste time and effort on.

1 comment:

Xenesh said...

Software Piracy causes the loss of ~515 million US dollars in Australia for the year 2006(Source: Buisness Software Alliance & IDC Asia Pacfic). Any Loss in revenue for Software companies potentially disrupts the flow of available cash back into a buisness. This leads to a decrease in staff, quality software and an overall deacceleration for company growth.

Software piracy while may seem small. A game this month, an application the next, all this adds up.