Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dirty Politics Howard Style

This stuff about Kevin Rudd having dinner with disgraced former Western Australia Premier Brian Burke is a complete beat up by John Howard and is soooo typical of the dirt campaign that can happen before an election.
In prior years, Howard has beaten up and embellished issues on national security to pull at the nations "fear of terrorism" to gain public support (Children Overboard anyone?) but given that that would be so obvious, Howard is now playing the man and not the ball by attacking Rudd's credibility.  And he's orchestrating it very cleverly too with Costello being the one throwing the barbs and insults and also getting long standing Liberal Ian Campbell to resign (or was he sacked... it depends on the PR spin) over effectively nothing is such an orchestration of dirt politics that it is blindingly obvious that its a set up.  Yet, the public - like with Children Overboard - seem oblivious and like lemmings this will have an impact on the polls.  Wake up Australia!  Time for a change... get rid of these fear mongering Liberals.
For those of you who have no idea of what I am rabbiting on about click here for related news coverage.

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