Friday, May 01, 2009

Summer is a'coming...

Here we have switches on all the walls of the kitchen and bathrooms to turn on the hot water heaters.  So early on here, I was turning them off in the day and turning them on at night to ensure hot water for the shower.  On occaision I would forget and have a cold shower and decided that the damn heaters can be on all the time...

However, I have now found the reason for the heaters....

In summer here, the temps get so hot that the water in the pipes heats up to be warm enough to bathe and shower in.  The cold water tap becomes very warm water.  When this happens, you turn OFF the heaters and the water from the hot water tank, in a shaded part of the house, becomes your cold water.  So in effect, you hot and cold taps reverse!

Guess what happened this morning.... I went to brush my teeth and the water was warm.  Summer is here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That used to happen when we lived in Bourke. Of course, in Braidwood the pipes would freeze, so really, I'm grateful for any water to come out :)
