Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The End Is Nigh

My two parallel running projects end today and I can only say “Thank Christ!”.  My first project, a business related website, launches this morning on time but slightly over budget.  This has been the project that has caused me the most angst and late nights, but it is going to launch on time.  The second, a related project, which is a massive report and a series of statistics on my company is also going to be delivered today but is a week late but there were some mitigating circumstances such as my boss’ mother dying on us - how rude!

The reason I bring this up is that I am so glad because my body is cactus.  I am hacking up phlegm, have headaches that just don’t go away with a nuclear payload of Panadol and despite the cool weather, I am sweating.  Essentially I am run down and sick of getting home late.  The Easter break cant come quick enough.  (Just had a coughing fit and the guy in front of me gave me the *turn* as if its my fault)

So I can see some easier days ahead on the work front and I can maybe think about other things… The Easter break will mainly be family / social things with a visit to the Show on Good Friday and friends Glenn & Brooke plus kids coming over Monday.  Sunday is a family lunch with Niki’s family so that leaves Saturday with Mum & Dad (Dad – will call you later today).  Easter egg hunts will be the go for the kids with a truckload of chocolate in the fridge at home.

After Easter is Anzac Day and given it falls on a Tuesday, it will be very tempting to take the Monday off and have a 4 day weekend.  This is particularly because that Saturday and Sunday is the Leviathan Blood Bowl tournament at Quakers Hill.  Again I will be playing Dwarves and will look to impose my famous Cage (known as the Clage!) tactic.  The rules are slightly different to CanCon with an extra 100,000 gold crowns able to be spent on teams.  Means I will have the same lineup as CanCon with a second Runner and perhaps a higher FF or an Apothecary.

That’s about it for today, I am hoping I can get thru today and there will be some light at the end of the tunnel so to speak…

Listening:  Ben Lee, “Awake Is The New Sleep”.

1 comment:

Chunky said...

Isn't it an extra 250 000?