Wednesday, February 07, 2007

David Hicks - Enough is enough

The fact that David Hicks is either guilty or innocent is no longer the issue.  The issue is he has been held without trial for 5 years.  His crime, for siding against the US Military as a mercenary.  He is not a terrorist, he is a gun nut seeking to be a soldier for money.

On our side of the fence we call them “security contractors”, for the other side they’re terrorists.

The fact that John Howard has stated that he could get Hicks out anytime but won’t is appalling.  He is condoning the containment of an Australian citizen with no trial for an indefinite period – shameful behaviour and against our own laws of Australia.  Should he not tow the country line and say as an Australian, he should be tried as an Australian given that we are technically a part of this so called Coalition of the Willing?  (How are the Polish troops faring by the way??).  He should be repatriated, charged – I don’t think they can work out what – and get it over and done with.

Howard, you are simply bending over so as to not stand up to the USA.  How about standing up for your own people.

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