Thursday, April 05, 2007

Anglo's Rape Women Too

5 boys of 17yrs of age have been charged with raping a girl when she was drunk after they had filmed the rape on their mobile phone...

Can I ask a question... why weren't these boys identified as "being of Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian appearance"?  Whilst I am not of Middle Eastern Appearance (see my piccy on the right of screen), I can now see this as justifiable evidence that the Australian media seem to use poetic license and labelling of people when it suits to sensationalise a story (not that this story needs sensationalising).

Rapists are rapists and they should be described via age and gender alone and not by racial stereotype.

I just wanted to point this out to people as a clear and present example of how the media emphasise certain things.  If this latest crime was perpetrated by Middle Eastern men, do you not think that all the Sheikh Hilally comments and the issue of immigration would be brought up again?  I'll bet you a week's worth of Daily Telegraphs it would and I will bet you a month of Sun Heralds that the fact that these boys are from first fleeter stock wont have us calling for all English migrants to be sent back to the Old Dart.

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