Friday, April 27, 2007

Train Pains

A small rant this morning... this concerns me travelling on trains in the evenings.

A word of advice for my fellow commuters... the train, particularly country trains given that the windows do not open and we are all enclosed together in the silver tube that is the carriage, is NOT the place for you to open up a series of the plastic Asian take-away food containers and have your dinner.

To the lady who decided to have spring rolls, a mongolian lamb style concoction with another container of rice, spread over the seat beside you in which you proceeded to gorge yourself on the smelly banquet in such a confined space, you're an idiot.

Why do people have such little regard for their fellow travellers?  People who play music way too loud (and I mean you lady who this morning had what I think was Kasey Chambers squeeling at just a level of volume in her headphones that I could still hear it three rows away) and people who eat stinky food (as above) and the lovely teenage boys who decided to shoot spit balls through the air over the passengers you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

The train trip on its own is at times wearisome and boring... I dont need these type of idiots colouring it up for me.

/rant off.


Anonymous said...

"Lovely teenage boys" you say.

Clayton, something you need to tell us big boy?

Uncle Scott.

Anonymous said...

Just be glad you are not commuting where I live. Check this out: