Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Am I alone in seeing something wrong?

Reverse the genders... 30 year old man has sex with 15 yr old girl... who is his student.

Would we be comfortable with it being called a "foolish lapse"?

'Foolish lapse' of woman, 30, with boy - National -


Anonymous said...

You CAN'T reverse the is not an equal argument. Is it "acceptable"...NO!!!...but the argument of "sameness" simply doesn't apply...and I am sure as one who used to be a 15 year old boy you know why ;)

Clay said...

Was I at 15, keen on a nice looking teacher? Yes I would have...

But that is why we have Age of Consent laws because 15yr olds jump at the chance to bang the teacher...

Was the female teacher breaching the ethical code of responsibility to ensure that a minor is treated appropriately? Yes.

Another analogy... if a woman who liked to sleep with a different guy every Saturday night was raped, would the law say that the rapist could go free because she was keen on sex anyway?

Just because 15yr old boys would jump at the chance, doesnt mean that the chance should be offered.

Anonymous said...

she's got nice tits though