Thursday, June 07, 2007

It Rains... we're late.

For non-Sydneysiders, today its bucketing down with rain and that meant everyone in my office was late today.  I personally was not in until 9:30 today as my normally 65min train trip ballooned out to nearly 2hrs.

Trains were late, out of timetable order and essentially I think the trains were just scrambling to get into the city and it was pot luck if you were in OK or if you were held up.  We also sat outside Emu Plains for about 10mins as some train in front had broken down and the trip was really kyboshed due to the weather.

Arriving at 9:30, I found I wasnt last in as the roads were equally atrocious and essentially we have come to the point that on wet weather days, Sydney grinds to a halt.

This is comforting too given the stat announced yesterday that over the next 10-15yrs, Sydney's traffic will increase by 50%.  Should be great commutes in then hey!

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