Friday, June 08, 2007


Paris Hilton.

Paris Hilton.
WTF is happening there?

Will those other people who are feeling "unhappy" about being raped in the showers, living with impending violence around them and poor food et al be now released because they've got "a rash".

Words escape me... I cannot believe the clear favouritism.


Anonymous said...

but my god the girl can suck cock!

Anonymous said...

Didn't know the crims could just ask to go home.

Anonymous said...

C'mon you right wing zealots...for all the fun the media is having with this little circus ask yourself the real question...should she REALLY have been sentenced in the first place? Then ask yourself if society is better off if she is indeed put in gaol...then ask if the state should really be expected to foot the bill for the extra costs such a "prisoner" would indeed incur...then ask if maybe there might be REAL "crims" who SHOULD be behind those bars instead of simply using the "justice" system to try and make an example out of someone when in fact they have abused the same said system trying to act "tough". Cry "favourtism" all you like...the fact is she should have been fined and perhaps community serviced...the rest is just fodder and a huge waste of cash.

Anonymous said...

bu my god can the girl suck cock!

Clay said...


Your post loses all logic when you spell "jail" as "gaol"... funny when I know you're an American living in Australia.... and we aussies don't really spell it that way despite it being the "queens english"...

And besides, our good friend Anon has a valid point!


Sarah said...

Not to mention the fact that her original conviction was for drink driving, which actually puts lives at risk... so yes, society is better off with her in jail.

Chunky said...

Actually I disagree with Captain Anonymous, for I have seen the footage and it seems to me she is related to a starfish in more ways than being brainless.