Thursday, August 16, 2007

Tolerance... its a two way street

I cannot believe this article gets a run in the main stream press.
Pauline Hanson saying we should stop Muslim immigration and says "thar she will targeting Muslims in her campaign".  What the fuck is going o when this clap trap gets national press coverage?  Reverse it.  Say a Muslim man gets up and wanted to run for office on the basis of targetting Christians?
You cannot tell Muslims to be accepting of "Australian Values" and crucify (pun intended) them for standing by their beliefs when in return we get bigots like Pauline Hanson spruiking from the roof tops racial and religion based hatred.
It is only at election time that she gets a stage and that is only because the Howard Government has tolerated her because a) she takes a small number of votes off Labor and b) he has a preference deal to get her subsequent votes.  Essentially he is using racially driven agenda's to take a small amount of cheap votes.
If you want Muslims to be tolerant, then we need to hit back hard and denounce people like Pauline Hanson and stop giving her a vehicle for her vile views.

1 comment:

Annachie said...

I don't know Clay. She expresses an opinion that is shared by a lot of, well I weant to call them hicks :) Ok, she goes too far but then people said she went too far in her maiden speach and 2 of her big key points in that have come to pass.

Anyway, like it or not, she does have the right to say it, to stand on it, and to be hopefully slapped down. (Electorally speaking)