Sunday, September 02, 2007

Fathers Day Weekend...

Made it back from Canberra in one piece... it was kinda cool to drive down to the ACT for the day, driving with the stereo up and just with my own thoughts... I cruised on 120km/h and did the trip in an 2 1/4 hrs...  The weather was great and Lake George was, as it always is for me, a mysterious site.  Spent 2hrs in a meeting and then of course drove back...

But as I sit here tonight, the house is quiet, Niki has just gone to bed exhausted after cooking up a huge Thai meal for her family - all up 17 people - and the girls have promised to a) give me a big sleep in and b) wake me up early to give me presents!  lol.  I think I know which option they will take!

The plan tomorrow is to let me be lazy but we'll head over to Glenbrook for a country breakfast at one of the local cafes and then of all things, Brooke has a classmates birthday party to attend between 11am - 2pm... On a Sunday too, let alone Fathers Day! (sinners!)

Niki will take Kate to the party as well as it's at Wascoe Siding and I will have the house to myself... and my geeky pursuits!  I will try and get my online Blood Bowl league game played and I might undercoat some miniatures as well!!  I also have to keep painting the Orcs I promised my mate Noyz... I will avoid the footy shows though on tele as I am already sick of the Andrew Johns saga... but my quick view on that matter is that whilst it is very sad that anyone uses drugs, the real issue is that such a player could continue playing for so long with a habit.  Why wasnt he busted by the drug testers long ago??  I want the investigation to happen into why the holes in the drug testing net seem huge at the moment and less rhetoric on the poor sob story of Andrew Johns...

Anyways, the day will be very lazy and then its off to Dad's place wish him a Happy Fathers day as well... and I wont say what I got him because he's probably one of the three readers who will read this on a Sunday morning ;-)

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

1 comment:

Dan said...

Hope you had a great fathers day, with or without a lay in ;)