Saturday, September 29, 2007

London Town

Have landed in London... the flight from Singapore was quite good and I basically got on the plane 11pm Singapore time passed over the big dinner on offer with the exception of the desert and a glass of port and after watching a movie (Blades of Glory - corny, but good) I shut down the TV, put on the Qantas pyjamas and went to sleep...
I didnt sleep "well" but I got about 4hrs straight at one point and spent the next 2hrs trying to get comfy and listening to easy music... in the end I dug out the PSP from my bag and played around on that... then it was breakfast, a brush of the teeth and time to get changed and begin the descent... easy as.
London was drizzling and about 10 degrees when we landed at 4:45am London time... but I have been awake since then, been for a walk around Hyde Park, had a coffee and a French Pastry and am about to catch up with my work colleagues for a morning debrief and another coffee (will need it!) and then its off to the soccer this afternoon to see Chelsea / Fullham.

I will also try to see the NRL Grand Final from here sometime tomorrow morning...
All's good!

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