Sunday, April 06, 2008

Dancing Weekend!

A tiring weekend has just passed...

Niki has been rather unwell this week and the weekend was hectic with the girls playing Netball, Kate having dance practice and Niki's Dad's birthday on Saturday and today was "Dancing Scholarship Day" in which the girls did ballet routines to get a years tuition for nix.

Unfortunately they didn't win, but they did really well and the competition was very good. To get up there and do the routines is quite a feat for the girls!

But not only was it Dancing Scholarship, but Niki as Chairperson of the Fund Raising Committee had their first crack at raising money for the trip to the USA in about 2011. They need to raise $50K and it started with a Cake Stall and a Canteen / BBQ. Niki manned the stall all day from 9:30am until 4pm and I did the BBQ. If I never see a Bacon & Egg roll again and a sausage sandwich, I'll be happy! lol.

It all went well and nearly $300 were raised. Its a start!

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