Friday, June 01, 2007

Win A Kidney Or Die...

Friday... all day too! 

No netball tomorrow as the mighty Blaxland Sparkles have the BYE... seems odd that they dont keep competition points or scores but then feel obliged to give you a bye?  Why would that be??  So tomorrow I miss out on the coffee and bacon & egg rolls for breakfast, but we do get to have a much need lie in.

I am also pleased to report that the girls at home are seemingly less obsessed with Big Brother this year than last year... in fact the whole 2007 series seems to be a bit of a yawn, but the girls have quietened down on the show and watch only the Friday Night Games show as a virtual stand alone...

Which is great considering the new reality TV show being pumped out in the Netherlands where the makers of the Big Brother program (Endamol?) have put up a show where a terminally ill patient wins a new kidney from a prospective donor.  The donor is selected by the viewing public via SMS...

Seriously, how sick is this?  Lets mix up terminal illness with SMS voting and game shows and people's emotions for the entertainment of the general populace!  Yee Gods!  Can't wait for that to hit our shores in Australia (which it surely will).  When will common decency prevail?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You been done hoaxed.