Thursday, January 29, 2004

Education or Government Mind Trap?

There has been a lot of debate recently on Howards outrageous attacks on the teaching profession and their "subversive" method of educating the children to be against the war in Iraq. I have never heard such preposterous bullshit in all my life. What does he expect to happen? That the teachers push the political line of the day as the "truth" and that all children be taught that the government always does the right thing? This is Australia Mr Howard, not Communist China of the 1960's.

Democratic society is founded on free speech. That is what it is all about. The capitalism that drives the government is not what we are here for. We are not here to train our youth into being Liberal party zealots who bow to the whip hand of consumerism and capitalism.

No, we are about having a right to say what we feel and if some teacher says to a student that the war in Iraq was wrong, then so be it. There should not be a school curriculum set on the subject (which there wasn't) but a teacher has a right to express an opinion like everyone else. Just because they are employed by the government, does not give Howard the right to dictate free speech and thought.

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