Friday, July 08, 2005

Sad Day

I have driven in today again as I am going to the football tonight, but it isn’t a very celebratory mood after last nights events in London.  I am glad my only contact in London, my mate Steve, is OK as is his girlfriend and he had made it to the office prior to the bombings.  I spent most of last night up watching the tele and have only had about 4 hrs sleep as I had to leave early this morning.  In the office, everyone is talking about the events and I seem to be in a bit of a daze.  I think its because I have often wondered when it will be our turn to be exposed to extremism and I get feelings of dread going on the trains each day.  After Madrid, I was shitting myself (and I am not afraid to admit it) that they may hit Sydney straight away and given that I catch the train each day and sit there for 3 hrs a day, plus the fact I live 80-100kms from work, it is a worry.  I go through Central, Town Hall and Martin Place to get to work and I assume that should Sydney experience what London and Madrid have experienced, then I will be caught up in it.

I was quite happy that today my social engagements tonight meant I drove in…

Also, I cannot believe that only 37 people died in London yesterday.  I am sure it must hit 3 figures.  I have been in the London Underground, and whilst it wasn’t as packed as it would have been an hour prior, it is always crowded.  A news correspondent on the radio this morning said that there was massive amounts of blood on the walls of the building next to the blown up bus and that there is no way only 2 people died.  I guess that they wont really know for a long time (or ever) but surely the authorities can at least give an indication of the expected losses rather than “confirmed” dead.

Anyway, that’s the most morbid posting I have written, but as I said at the top, my mate Steve is ok and his family know he is good and that is what’s important.


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