Thursday, September 29, 2005

Are you Pro Terrorism or Anti-Government? Is there a difference?

John Howard and the State Premiers have agreed to introduce a raft on new legislations to “combat the threat of terrorism”.  Essentially, these extend the authority of Federal Police to detain suspects without charge via electronic tag and home detention for 12 months at a time.  A whole year… of being confined to your house… WITHOUT CHARGE.  Essentially the government now has the authority to lock people away from society for no more than a notional view of theirs that you are a potential terrorist.

Apparently the government has information that they have 800 people on file as suspects that could be a party to terrorist activities in Australia.  Eight Hundred.  Eight Hundred people who apparently are plotting terrorism?

Seriously, where do they get these numbers?  I attended a seminar for work on terrorism and security and a very senior Federal Policeman told the audience of people in charge of public and private infrastructure that there was no real terrorist activity in Australia although Willie Brigitte was a member of al-Qaeda.  So we have gone from zero to 800 in a bit over 12 months?!

Let me tell you the real reason for the magical 800 and the new legislation to protect us from them… it’s the governments view to rule the country by fear and to keep the public paranoid about a perceived threat.  In 4 years, we have had two major terrorist events in two cities on the other side of the world from Australia.  Yes they happened, and they were tragic, but why do we suddenly need these new draconian, anti-constitutional laws that deny people their democratic rights as citizens of Australia?

Its simply because Howard wants to remain in power and needs to continually demonstrate his tough stance and his role on the world stage, which in all honesty is two fifths of sweet FA.

To the Federal Police monitoring internet traffic for pro-terrorism (read anti-government) propaganda, my email details are on the right hand side there of your screen.

1 comment:

Goreon said...

To be honest - the people of Australia have no one to blame but themselves for this situation.

They all voted for the bloke and gave him the senate on a silver platter, so they really have no right to complain when he does what he does.

That said, I'm hoping he actually keeps going with this so that the people of Australia wake the fuck up and realise there's a consequence for handing someone who's vision of Australia is only for the Anglo Christian Babyboomer Rich. If anything, this might be a good lesson for those selfish morons who voted on who would keep their investment property portfolio intact the most instead of proper values and policies for the benefit of all.

I don't blame the government - I know full well they are corrupt. I blame the stupid selfish pricks of Australia who put them there, kept them there KNOWING they are like this AND gave them control of the senate on top...

Dumb fucks - they get everything they deserve.