Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Slight Frustrations of the Day

More random musings today, I guess I am still on holiday mode which is preventing me from ranting on about one thing in particular.

Telstra.  I received in the mail yesterday a letter dated 31/1/06 stating that I owe $153 or our Telstra Bigpond will be disconnected.  Funny thing is, we disconnected ourselves from Bigpond some 6 weeks ago and I paid what I thought was the final bill on 25/1/06.  How I now owe $153 and it warrants a threat of something that has already happened puzzles me.  Considering that my monthly bill at Telstra was $59.95, this bill represents 2 ½ months or so of unpaid bills.  Considering I pay my bills each month, and yes I may have missed one accidentally I guess, but to be in arrears 2 ½ months (approx, its not a precise split and I don’t pay “half bills”) seems rather odd.  I had rung Telstra as well and there was no disconnection fee either… intriguing.  Perhaps I will ignore it and see what they do when they find I am already disconnected??  Can they interrupt my Internode service?  I don’t think so.

Another annoyance is my car has a warning light on it and I cant find the owners manual to work out what it is.  It’s an orange icon of an engine block on my dash.  Its not RED which would cause me worry, but rather its orange.  Its not due for a service and it doesn’t have as far as I recall, a service warning lamp.  If anyone is an expert in Holden dash boards, let me know.  I feel stupid ringing up Holden saying “I have a little light on my dash, what does it mean”… I presume it means that Holden will charge like a wounded bull to fix some mythical problem.

AWB Scandal.  I have been probably uncharacteristically quiet on this issue.  To be honest I don’t quite understand it how come our Australian Wheat Board was paying bribes (the media seem to be calling them “kickbacks” but they’re been polite) to Saddam Hussein’s regime.  They seem to be on a quest to find out if and if so, who were in the loop on this matter from the Government.  Its easy – all of them knew about it as it was a systemic payment to Iraq of large quantities of cash.  Mark Vaile (deputy PM and Trade Minister), Alexander Downer (Foreign Minister) and Good Ol’ Johnny himself must all have known about it.  If they weren’t then they are incompetent because their govt bodies under them (the AWB) were spending squillions without their knowledge or approval.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure exactly how things work in Oz, but here, the real threat Telstra poses you is not turning off something that's already off (big pond) but passing you off to a collections agency. This would damage your credit, and you'd also have to deal with idiots harassing you by mail, email, and phone calls.

I'd give them a call. My guess is that some clerk forgot to click the button to terminate your account and the money they want is for "service" rendered since the time you switched ISPs.

In any case, good luck : )