Thursday, April 20, 2006

Sanity Prevails...

Bloody idiots... who actually in CityRail thought this was a good idea in the first place. "Yes, I think it will be fine to shut down Sydney's Western Rail Corridor for three weeks, even during peak hour... everyone can just drive for a while."

Bloody F#cktards!

CityRail - News & Media: "Over the past 48 hours, RailCorp has received substantial adverse reaction to the proposed upgrade, particularly from Blue Mountains customers concerned about the impact of the track reconstruction on their weekday travel to and from Sydney."

1 comment:

Chunky said...

Thats one way to think of it. But I doubt those people are that silly.

I'm wondering whats causing such a problem (or going to provide such a benefit) that they'd consider this in the first place, let aloone begin to follow through on it.

It could all be a smokescreen to try and get a bit more funding in the leadup to the end of financial year as well.