Friday, September 28, 2007

Singapore - Hot & Humid

Am in Singapore at the moment... very hot and sticky, but at least everywhere indoors has top notch air conditioning.
The flight was good, uneventful (which you always want) but even though it was Qantas, everything over the PA was repeated in German because the flight was ongoing to Frankfurt.  Everyone in business class, apart from my colleagues and myself, were German so when the stewardess came to us re dinner etc she started prattling in German... until we politely corrected her.
Ich spreche ein bischen Deutsche!
Working today has been delayed a bit (hence my posting now) as something has cropped up for some of the meeting delegates, so I have a spare hour to kill...
Am flying out tonight at around 11pm local time for London... and will have a weekend to explore there including going to Chelsea vs Fullham in the EPL... am looking forward to that very much!

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