Monday, July 07, 2008


Its school holidays and I am basically going on holidays with the kids. I have decided that I have a few job applications in, but I am not going to actively "hit the pavement" so to speak until the kids go back...

So, I am now twiddling my thumbs so to speak...

We won't be going away - trips to Malaysia and Fiji for the girls is plenty - and I think some time at home will do everybody the world of good. The weekend was hectic with the half year dance concerts (3 shows and lots of rehearsals over the weekend) and Kate had to perform with a broken wrist.

Speaking of her wrist, she's at the doctors currently getting a new x-ray and being assessed by the GP. Last message from Niki was that she may not have a break after all, but she is in alot of pain. Perhaps a sprain? Who knows...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Plenty of time to finish off that pile of unpainted mini's then !? That way you get to hoard more of them when christmas comes along... Mrs Clay couldn't be upset if you have painted most of your current silver collection, could she ?