Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sunday Morning

A rare opportunity for a weekend post... the girls had a friend over to
stay last night and they're preoccupied with dancing in the garage and
watching Lizzie McGuire movies and we dont have to be anywhere until
11ish for a picnic with Niki's family.

So I am reading the papers online, checking all my gaming sites and

Spent yesterday watching my nephew Alex playing soccer in the morning
and went to Penrith Plaza to buy "stuff" - socks & undies and new
drinking glasses to be exact. Penrith City Council had an open day in
which Penrith was diplayed in all its glory... The local mayor was
looking regal in his red robes... until I saw that he had daggy jeans
underneath! And the local talent troupe came out and did performances
that were pretty ordinary mixed with consistent PA malfunctions coupled
with a MC that made some pretty distasteful comments about picking ones
nose and that the winner of the raffle was a S.Khan and he made some
comment about foreigners and terrorists... all pretty standard Penrith
red neck fare :)

Watched Pirates of the Caribbean II last night on bootleg DVD... it
seemed like a good movie, but we were interrupted heaps by the phone,
cat, dog, kids plus the DVD quality was poor... was one of those "filmed
in the theatre with a handicam jobs". I was told by the person who gave
it to me it was good quality, but I'll be having words... particularly
as the sound was consistently out of sync enough to be annoying and then
at one stage for 1minute was out of sync by 10 seconds...

And I am sure a few scenes were cut!

Anyways, off to find something to download... maybe another movie... I
watched Wolf Creek on my PC as well yesterday and it was great quality.

/Ramble off...

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